Hit And Run Accidents Can Cost You More Than Money - Car Accident Attorney

Published on by Asghar Paracha

Hit And Run Accidents Can Cost You More Than Money - Car Accident Attorney

Car Accident Attorney

Most drivers know that in the state of Texas that leaving the scene of accident regardless if someone else is involved or not is against Texas state law.

Hit and run accidents involving a pedestrian, or even if the person is in a parked car could be injured and dying. Without immediate aid by contacting 911 an accident could turn in a manslaughter charge, and civilly a wrongful death case.

Simple human decency would dictate that a person not flee the scene of a accident if they were involved, but many panic and try to evade the police from fear of going to prison.

If a pedestrian is hit in the street, and the driver just keeps going, they could spend time in the TDCJ prison system. On the other hand if the driver stops, and tries to help in any way they can this could lessen or nullify charges completely depending on the severity of the injuries, and the variables surrounding the accident.

Many times persons who flee the scene have no legal responsibility for causing the accident as the accident was the other persons fault.

This also includes stopping and trying to find the owner of a parked car that is hit by another motor vehicle operator, and at least put a note with all contact information under the driver's side windshield wiper.

The State does not take kindly to having their highway equipment damaged by a motorist, and leaving the scene without calling the police, or the Department of Public Safety at least.

Responsibility is the key in this situation, and one must show that they were not intentionally trying to hit a person, auto, or roadside sign. Sure there may get probation, and fines to go along with these occurrences, but the alternative is long jail sentences, and hefty court fines.

Car Accident Attorney

Today there are more and more cameras being installed in public areas, just for this reason, and a person never knows if their collision with a human or an object is being recorded.

Having full video evidence of a hit and run accident will surely make it harder on the accused when it goes to criminal court, and doing the right thing while big brother is watching will be the key to leniency.

Contact an Car Accident Attorney immediately after the accident happens and let him or her guide you in what to do next. Houston has a record number of hit and run accidents and many of them fatal.

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